Job 11:18 – You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety. Knowing you must endure a painful sickness the rest of your life is difficult to cope with. You try to stay in denial, but it doesn’t change anything. It still hurts. It still …
Be Quiet be Still and Stay There
Here I am. Still at home. Still limited. But it’s possible in our limitedness, in our stillness, that God can speak. No, I didn’t ask to fall down, but as I lift my head to heaven, I realize it’s all about perspective still. This time has caused me to be more thankful for having more …
I Don’t Need to Daydream
Well, I have not posted anything for two weeks. You see, I had a bad fall, hit my head, have an eight-inch gash and a concussion. I spent three days in the hospital. However, it could have been so much worse. I did reach my phone in time; I didn’t have a brain bleed or …
It Started as Just a Thought
Our thoughts can get us into trouble, especially when it comes to relationships. Sometimes someone says something hurtful, and you don’t let it go. You hang onto it, and it becomes a heavy chain dangling from your neck. Take captive your hurtful thoughts and you’ll be able to lift your head and be free from …